
Learning and Sensing for Dynamics Lab

Welcome to the website of the research group led by Dr. Zhilu Lai at Internet of Things Thrust, Information Hub, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).

The advancements of sensing technology, data mining, and artificial intelligence have accelerated the development of tools and platforms for next-generation civil infrastructure and engineered systems, paving the way towards developing smart cities and cyber-physical systems. The group’s research works (including theoretical, analytical, and experimental studies) aim to develop the fusion of physical models and sensor data into the modeling, assessment, and diagnostics of engineered systems, with providing intelligent solutions for effectuating more resilient, adaptive, and senseable infrastructure systems.

Approaching this direction, the relevant research interest is summarized into the directions of:

  • scientific machine learning; physics-informed machine learning
  • deep learning for engineered systems
  • computer vision-based infrastructural monitoring; advanced sensing technologies
  • IoT applications in civil infrastructure
  • structural health monitoring

We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team in Fall 2024 (more info) ! If you are interested in our group, please send your CV to

We are grateful for funding from HKUST(GZ)


21. November 2021

The website is under construction

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